You can create different categories for your packages/memberships/products, then sort your items between them. On your store, clients will choose from your categories to find particular services to buy. This is particularly useful if you offer a large range of services.
To manage your categories, head over to your Services then on either of the Packages, Memberships or Products tabs, look for the 'Manage Categories' link:
Here you can add, edit or remove your categories:
These will now appear on the page so you can assign certain items into each, as you please:
You can re-position the display order of the categories by drag'n'dropping this icon:ย
You can also re-position the display order of the services within and between the categories, by hovering over the item then drag'n'drop:
Alternative to the drag'n'drop method, you can edit an item and change the Category selection, e.g:
As a Client, when they browse your Store, they'll be able to navigate through the categories you've already setup:
Note: if you've activated categories and an item hasn't been assigned to a specific one yet, it will by default sit within the 'Other' category.