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Online Class Bookings

How to manage your online class bookings

Roy avatar
Written by Roy
Updated over a week ago


If you're running group classes, you have the option to make these publicly available through your Client Area so your existing clients (or new clients) can book themselves in. 

Clients can view your upcoming classes by the week, whether there are still available spots available or not, and manage their own bookings (including cancelling, if they are within the cancellation policy time-frame set by you). 

When your clients make a new booking or a cancellation, you will be automatically notified by email, and their attendance will be updated accordingly within the PTminder Calendar.

Here is an example of what your Client Area's Class Schedule may look like:

Activate your Client Area

First up, make sure your Client Area is activated and that you've chosen all the preferences you would like. Head to your Settings > Client Area to check this:

You will notice here you can choose your unique 'Client Area Website' URL, this can be whatever you like however it's usually best practice to make it your business name, for example "". This will be the link your clients will use, and you can link to it from your own website as well to make it easy for clients to get to.

Be sure to go through the other settings in here, as you can control how you want your online bookings to be handled.

How to make your classes available for Online Booking

When you are making a class booking in your Calendar, you'll notice there's an "Allow Online Bookings" tickbox. Simply tick this and this class will be available publicly through your Client Area:

How do your clients register?

If they are an existing client, and don't already have a login account, you can create a login for them in your Clients area. Simply edit the client and tick the box 'Client Login', fill in their email and password and save. Your client can then login with these details which you provide to them..

If they are a new client, they can register themselves through your Client Area. This will add them as a 'Lead' client in your Client Management area. You will also be notified by email that a new client has signed up.


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