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Booking in Sessions and Classes

How to book in single or recurring sessions/classes into your Calendar

Roy avatar
Written by Roy
Updated over a week ago

You can schedule in Sessions and Classes into your PTminder Calendar. While they are very similar, Classes are typically used for group events where multiple clients will sign up. Classes can be made available for online bookings through the Client Area and Mobile Apps, and also it supports waiting lists and cancellation policies.

To start the booking process, simply click on a time-slot directly on the Calendar (alternatively, click the blue '+' button), this will present you with your booking options:

The quickest way to fill in the form is to first setup your 'Templates' in Services, this way you can select a common template and all the details will be populated for you, which you can then modify accordingly. Otherwise, fill in the booking details and save. 

You'll now see the booking on your Calendar view. If you click on that event, it will show you a summary information popup and provide you with various options as seen in the example below:

Recurring/Repeating Bookings

If you wish to make it a recurring/repeated session booking, tick the 'Recurring Session?' tickbox to open the recurring options.

Now you should be able to see your recurring booking in the Calendar:

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